Thursday, September 1, 2011

CPQ #25

When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?

Jesse would kill me if he knew I was posting about this but the last time I laughed so hard that I cried was because of him.  It couldn't have been more than a week ago.  We were sitting at the table eating dinner when all of a sudden, he farted so loud!  I have to give a little bit of background:  Jesse is weird about farting.  In my family, it's hilarious but in his family, you don't even say that word.  For the first year of our marriage, he would never pass gas in front of me.  Ever.  Then, we hit our one year mark and he's tooting all the time!  I always tease him about it when I catch him and he gets embarrassed a little.  I don't know why this time at the dinner table was so much funnier than all the other times but I about choked on my food, I was laughing so hard!  It took a good ten minutes for me to calm down enough to stop crying.

1 comment:

  1. First off, I absolutely LOVE this blog. Second, my family is totally like yours and you are just the cutest girl ever. I am excited to keep reading your posts.
