Tuesday, October 4, 2011

CPQ #62

If you had the time and money and could go on any month-long summer adventure of your choice, what would you choose to do?

I'm gonna opt not to choose some place tropical; that's everyone's answer for everything.  I saw on a website once (thenest.com) a post about the top five vacations you are supposed to take before you have kids.  Obviously, people don't take all five trips before starting a family (who has the time or money for that??) but one that really caught my eye was New Zealand.  It's not usually topping my list of places I want to visit but I think it would be very adventurous to go there!  Plenty of hiking, biking, kayaking, rock climbing and even base jumping!  Since this is a very hypothetical question, we'll just pretend that I'd be brave enough to do all those things :)

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